About Us
BS Africa Foundation supports charitable causes that improve health, education, promote the arts, or mitigate climate problems.
Established in 2004 as the charitable wing of BS Africa Limited, the Foundation has to date been funded with a total of more than GHS 1 million, towards projects in health, education and the climate mitigation problems.
The Foundation takes pride in the leanness of its administration, which results in fast decision-making, and in the greatest possible proportion of its resources being available to support beneficiaries.

Our Mission
BS Africa Foundation alleviates the suffering through the development and support of programs that improve health, healthcare, education and the mitigation of climate problems in Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Trustees aspire that the Foundation should be best in Africa as measured by speed of response and efficiency of operations. At the same time, the Foundation applies the highest standards of analytical rigour, thus ensuring that the impact of its projects and programs is maximised. The Trustees will have the same demands and ambition for the Foundation as BS Africa Limited.
The Foundation adopts a highly proactive approach to projects and programs.